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Established in Shanghai on April 29, 2011, Shanghai International Shipping Center Development and Promotion Organization(SISC-DPO)is a non-profit social organization composed of ports, management agencies, institutions, intermediary organizations, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions, shipping and shipping agents, freight forwarders, logistics, finance, law and talents. Its mission is to jointly promote the construction of Shanghai International Shipping Center and the coordinated development of ports, shipping and related industries. Adhering to the goal of serving members, standardizing the industry and developing the industry, SISC-DPO actively plays the role of a bridge and link, continuously expanding its service fields and improving its service functions, making important contributions to promoting the construction of Shanghai international shipping center, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of a country with strong transportation network.
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Shine Consultant intermational Ltd. was founded in 2005, committed to build a communication and think-tank platform for business leaders. Shine Consultant focusing on key core industries such as Finance& lnvestment,Transportation, Consumption& Cultural Tourism, Heathcare&Pharma, Energy&Resource, Hi-Tech& Telecom, Utlties& Government, based on more than 20 years' industry experience. We are now serving Fortune 500 company and more than 10,000 leading enterprises, bringing together milions of decision maker. It has also established a strategic cooperative relationship with thousands authoritative organizalions. Adhering to the philosophy of profession, Shine Consutant International now has over 100 senior staff, and the core management team has more than 15 years' experience.