Since commencement in the year of 2009, China aviation finance and operating leasing has developed impressive product and service, promoting the rapid development of aviation economy.
The aircraft leasing company of China has owned and managed more than 3,300 aircraft fleets, with business covering more than 60 countries and regions worldwide and involving more than 100 airlines. With China“New Normal”, financial openness further internationalization, the market and regulatory become more and more mature; on the other hand, Chinese air transport markets which including business aviation、general aviation、regional aviation and air cargo market are moving at unprecedented speed, China is no doubt an emerging market on aviation finance.
By 2019, it has been eleven years since the first aircraft was delivered on bonded lease.Standing at the beginning of next decade, it is necessary to look ahead the future development on the basis of past experience. Accordingly, China Aviation Finance and Leasing International Summit 2019 will be held on 10th-11th in Shanghai, China. This event will be attended by leaderships from global airlines、airport groups、aircraft manufacturers、MRO、OEM、aircraft leasing companies、banks、institutional investors、law firms、tax firms、governments and so on. On the conference, new trends of Asia-Pacific and China aviation finance and leasing market will be analyzed. It is a great occasion for you to rethink how to upgrade strategies and business models and provide an open platform to promote cooperation and communication in industry.
【Key Topics】


【Who should attend】

【Target Position】

【Parts of Attendees in Past Aviation Conference】