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Summit & Event Shine Speaker Bureau Shine Advisor Shine Event Service
  • Summit & Event :
    With field research of markets and industries which is analyzed from a global strategic perspective by our professional teams, as well as hot topics which interest leadership and management, Shine Consultant provides you with one-stop platform of dialogue, practice -sharing and social network!
  • Shine Speaker Bureau:
    Committed to provide keynote speakers, executive learning masterclasses and boardroom advisory for global enterprises and institutions, each service provides a deeper and more interactive experience, especially for small, selected audiences and key individuals. We have the resources of the most influential business leaders and experts, who are the most outstanding representatives in their fields. Our team consists of experienced speech and event managers, and we focus on building long-term and in-depth partnerships.
  • Shine Advisor:
    As world-class insight network, we connects clients-decision makers with vetted subject matter experts-advisors. Our clients leverage the insights and perspectives shared by our advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions.We have over 600,000 Shine Advisors in 20 industries, which continues to grow every day.
  • Shine Event Service:
    Committed to be the world's most professional provider of industrial Summit & Event. We provide one-stop professional services, including investigating and planning, on-demand inviting, marketing and promoting, operating, project management, live& digital conference, each service is performed by an experienced professional team matched with long-term industrial resources. We focus on establishing long-term and in-depth partnerships.
Conference Support Organization
2017 - 12 - 07
点击次数: 0
2017 - 09 - 15
点击次数: 0
世界银行(World Bank)是世界银行集团的简称,国际复兴开发银行的通称。是联合国经营国际金融业务的专门机构,同时也是联合国的一个下属机构。由国际复兴开发银行、国际开发协会、国际金融公司、多边投资担保机构和国际投资争端解决中心五个成员机构组成;成立于1945年,1946年6月开始营业。
2017 - 09 - 07
点击次数: 0
深圳市城市交通协会,英文名称:shenzhen urban transportation association (缩写suta),成立于2003年2月25日;是由本市城市交通从业单位和从业人员、专家学者自愿结成的地方性、综合性、非营利性社会组织;接受登记管理机关深圳市民政局和业务主管单位深圳市交通运输委员会的业务指导和监督管理。 深圳市城市交通协会是由原“深圳市公路协会”、“深圳市公共道路协会”发展过来的。2003年2月25日,“深圳市公路协会”成立。我市大部制改革后,全市的公路和城市道路管理工作都整合到深圳市交通运输委员会统一进行管理,为了适应我市交通体制的改革,2009年6月30日,“深圳市公路协会”更名为“深圳市公共道路协会”。随着深圳市改革开放的不断深化以及交通行业发展的需要,协会业务范围进一步扩大,因此2014年4月2日,我会正式更名为“深圳市城市交通协会”。 协会最高权力机构为会员大会,设立常务理事会和理事会。秘书处为协会常设办事机构,下设16个专业委员会。深圳市城市交通协会的宗旨是:以经济建设为中心,团结和组织广大城市交通行业从业单位和人员,遵守国家法律和政策,遵守社会道德风尚,规范行业行为,加强行业自律,促进城市交通行业的繁荣和发展.