Hello, Welcome to Shine Consultant !
Summit & Event Shine Speaker Bureau Shine Advisor Shine Event Service
  • Summit & Event :
    With field research of markets and industries which is analyzed from a global strategic perspective by our professional teams, as well as hot topics which interest leadership and management, Shine Consultant provides you with one-stop platform of dialogue, practice -sharing and social network!
  • Shine Speaker Bureau:
    Committed to provide keynote speakers, executive learning masterclasses and boardroom advisory for global enterprises and institutions, each service provides a deeper and more interactive experience, especially for small, selected audiences and key individuals. We have the resources of the most influential business leaders and experts, who are the most outstanding representatives in their fields. Our team consists of experienced speech and event managers, and we focus on building long-term and in-depth partnerships.
  • Shine Advisor:
    As world-class insight network, we connects clients-decision makers with vetted subject matter experts-advisors. Our clients leverage the insights and perspectives shared by our advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions.We have over 600,000 Shine Advisors in 20 industries, which continues to grow every day.
  • Shine Event Service:
    Committed to be the world's most professional provider of industrial Summit & Event. We provide one-stop professional services, including investigating and planning, on-demand inviting, marketing and promoting, operating, project management, live& digital conference, each service is performed by an experienced professional team matched with long-term industrial resources. We focus on establishing long-term and in-depth partnerships.
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    亿商联动自 2007 年成立以来,一直致力于建设电子商务专业信息资讯平台,并通过该平台为客户提供新媒体营销、电子商务信息及咨询服务,获取营业收入。公司以旗下亿邦动力网、思路网两大平台为主,提供电子商务专业信息资讯和电商服务交易,用户包括电子商务相关企业、政府机构、电子商务从业者及经理人。2016年4月,亿商联动挂牌新三板(股票代码:836568)。截至 2016 年 06 月 30 日,当月月度独立访问用户达到 1700 万(UV,月度不重复访问用户);思路网入驻服务品类超过 4700 种,拥有超过 2100 家主流电子商务服务提供商,旗下“思路通”付费信息产品上线运营
