-Event Backgroud-
By January, 2017, China has had 31cities to open the metro, with the total mileage of 4238.09 kilometers. The 31 cities include: Beijing, Hong Kong, Tianjin, Shanghai, Taipei, Guangzhou, Changchun, Dalian, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Gaoxiong, Nanjing, Shenyang, Chengdu, Foshan, Chongqing, Xi’an, Suzhou, Kunming, Hangzhou, Haer’bin, Zhenzhou, Changsha, Ningbo, Wuxi, Qingdao, Nanchang, Fuzhou, Dongguan, Nanning, Hefei. Among them, Shanghai ranks 1st in the list of domestic metro mileage.
May, 2016, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Minsitry of Transportation jointly issued a, with the aspect of urban rail construction, they will put the focus on “Strengthening the Management Construction, Orderly Promote the Urban Rail Construction and Gradually Update the City Structure”, to promote the main 103 projects work, and build the new urban rail for over 2000 kms, including the investment for almost 1 trillion and 600 billion yuan. During the time of “12th Five-Year Plan”, the total investment on urban rail construction reach to 1 trillion and 200 billion RMB, and it is expected that during the “13th Five-Year Plan”, the total investment can reach to 3 trillion RMB. During the “13th Five-Year Plan”, China’s city development is facing the new challengs . Urban rail will be regarded as the key elements on guiding city development, and it will surely to play more important role in the transformation of cities.
Under that background, for better promoting the next development of China Urban Rail and strengthen the cooperation between world metro companies, the 11th City-rail Summit 2018 will be held in Shenzhen, China under the theme of “Wise City · Wise Metro · Harmonious Development · Innovation to Promote “Win-win Situation”.
In the Future years, how to promote the harmonious development with metro and city construction, the 11th City-rail Summitwill show you the answer.