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China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain and Logistics Summit 2018

Time:   May 10th-11th,2018

Place: Shanghai, China

Since the reform and opening up, The economy of china is growing rapidly, the retail business has also become a important commercial scale.  In the  fierce competition, efficient supply chain and logistics systems are one of the key elements of retail success .Therefore, creating an efficient supply chain and logistics information system is  important for retail and e-commerce platforms .

Conference Overview

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

Event Organizer

China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018

China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, the Specialized Committee for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management is a specialized association in the field of purchasing and supply chain which was registered and set up under the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The committee actively takes charge of the major issues in the field of supply chain for central and all levels of government, participates in the formulation and improvement of national purchasing and supply chain related policies, researches and promotes China's purchasing and supply chain industry standards, spreads and promotes purchasing and supply chain advanced management concepts and experience,  and promotes the development of purchasing and supply chain in China.

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2018
Conference Organizer / Co-Organizer
Guidance / co-sponsor / support
  • China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, The Specialized Committee for Purchasing and Supply Cha
  • Steven Zhang General Manager Juban Technology Co.ltd.
  • Yibai Lv Head of Logistics and After-sales Service SWAROVSKI
  • Fancy Fan B2B Director Cainiao Smart Logistics, Alibaba
  • Vincent Fan Sr. Director of Logistics Glamour Sales
  • Mark Mao Supply Chain Director L’Oreal China
  • Jianxin Lu Logistics Director Shanghai Silk Group Co., Ltd
  • Pamela Lin Logistics Director LVMH Perfume & Cosmetics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
  • Yueming Cheng Director of Logistics Center 361 Sport
  • Song Yuan Director of Logistics Center JOMA Sports
  • Prashant Kumar Director, Supply Chain Strategy & Design Starbucks China & Asia Pacific
  • Robert Hiley Vice President - Product Supply Timberland Footwear at VF Corporation
Media Partner
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Rachel Zhao 

TEL:+86 21-52428097
