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(End)Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

September 14th-15th, 2017

Beijing, China


Conference Overview


In recent years, as the financial industry’s business volume increases, so does its financial information and data intake. The growth in financial information is unprecedented under the background of big data and cloud era, so the financial institutions have to increase their requirements for data storage capacity, safety and reliability: Establishment of safe and controllable financial IT operation and maintenance mechanism, deployment of open and intelligent data center to ensure the full stability of financial operations, implementation of data assets to dig out commercial value, effective control of security risks on financial institutions. How traditional financial institutions enhance their ability to handle large numbers of customers and raw data, promote data-driven rational strategic decisions, turn insight into innovation, and expand financial business value have become a major concern.


'Financial Data & Information Asia 2017' will be held on September 14th- 15th, 2017 in Beijing, China. It'll serve as an international platform for domestic and foreign government officers, industry associations, leadership banks, insurance group, internet finance, securities company etc - President/ Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Chief Data Officer, science and technology dept, data center division, data governance expert to explore the core driving force of data governance system in financial industry, data assetization, the promotion of financial big data application scenario and system, understand what is data standardization, data quality and data governance and other hot topics, to find the best solution provider and business partner.


Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

 Financial Data & Information Asia 2017



Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

Financial Data & Information Asia 2017 



Event Organizer

Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

Shine Consultant
Shine Consultant (Formerly the Shine Media) is a progressive business media, serving clients from around the world. We offer a comprehensive product mix, ranging from summits, business to business conferences, and trade shows to made-on-demand specialty seminars. By bringing business communities together, in person, in print or online, we help decision-makers to get ahead of the curve on emerging issues, make key connections, and reach out to new customers. As for financial industry, by far we have presented the following events series with influential partners: 9 of Payment China Summit, 2 of Asia Family Wealth Management,9 of Private Banking Asia, 3 of Asia Trade Finance Summit, 3 of Global Asset Management China, etc.

(End)Financial Data & Information Asia 2017
Conference Organizer / Co-Organizer
Guidance / co-sponsor / support
  • Chenggang ZHAO Director of System Support Department China Banking Association
  • Fengzhan TIAN General Manager Sunshine Insurance Group
  • Chen LIU Secretary General DAMA China
  • Liangjun LIU Deputy General Manager Software Development Center, China CITIC Bank
  • Shoubin ZHAO Deputy Director Technical Center, HENGFENG BANK Co. Ltd
  • Gaofeng PAN Gaofeng PAN Taikang Life
  • Jianhao CHENG Operation Director, Delivery Head MBCloud
  • Xiaowei LI Financial Service&BI Director Wisers
  • Jiang Yi Principal Systems Engineer
  • Jian Yin Sr. Systems Engineer Manager
  • Jason Dong Industry SE Manager Commvault
  • Yang Shengwen ​​​Chairman of the Technical Committee Baidu Big Data
  • ​Chang Wea Meng Managing Director Standard Chartered Bank
  • LI Yanyan General Manager for Data center disaster preparat Agricultural Bank of China

 Financial Data & Information Asia 2017

  • NeoXam
  • Commvault
  • Ji tong
  • Baidu Big Data
Cooperative Media
    Financial IT
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 16
    Established about five years ago, Financial IT is the venue where community makes itself heard. Innovation is the common feature of the companies that we work with. Some are FinTech disruptors, posing a direct challenge to established institutions. Others are technology companies, providing solutions that produce positive outcomes for the institutions and their clients. We provide a digital platform for product listings, multimedia and other editorial content, reviews by financial IT companies?clients, and overviews of major trade events. Financial IT magazine is published around 8-10 times a year in digital form. It is also available in print form at trade events through media partnerships. We believe that our competitive edge comes from our established relationships with f...
    Banking Technology
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    Banking Technology is the definitive source of news and analysis of the global fintech sector. We are the go-to, trusted resource for financial services and banking technology buyers, sellers, developers, integrators, regulators and other specialists across the sector, big and small. Our reputation has been earned over the years through our understanding of the industry, investigative journalism and independence. Our website offers daily news and commentary on all things fintech.  Our iconic monthly Banking Technology Magazine – in circulation for over three decades – provides in-depth research of the industry’s developments and trends. It is available in print and digital.  Our annual awards show, Banking Technology Awards, recognises excellence in the use of IT i...
    发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 02
    中国IDC圈成立于2006年,隶属于中科智道(北京)科技股份有限公司,是数据中心及云计算行业权威的媒体平台和咨询机构,立足于TMT产业,专注于互联网、数据中心及云计算领域的深度挖掘,形成了以数字传媒、会议展览、市场研究、行业监测、大数据分析、资源交易、培训及人力资源等多元化的第三方服务机构。   中国IDC圈的核心受众群体为互联网、数据中心及云计算的上下游企业,会员企业集中在基础电信运营商、国内外民营数据中心、IDC服务商、云服务商、政府用户和行业用户。http://www.idcquan.com/about/
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 22
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    51CTO is a platform dedicated to the innovation and development of IT technology, founded in 2005 by a group of senior Internet professionals. Ever since its founding, 51 cto is to "focus on the IT technology, to build China's largest IT technology services three-dimensional platform" for the purpose, commitment to IT technology professionals with knowledge and experience sharing, technical exchanges, and career development, product channels such as three-dimensional ecosystem service, help IT practitioners realization technology skills upgrading and a station arrive home demand. 51CTO has tens of millions of professional members covering most IT professionals in mainstream cities nationwide. 51 cto after years of development, gradually establish a modern enterprise mana...
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 16
    机房360是国内首家服务于机房行业的专业网站,是中国绿色数据中心第一门户网站!机房360以科技为导向,专注于绿色数据中心的运营与推广,全面报道机房行业的相关资讯;以绿色·节能为主题,推动绿色创新、高新技术在绿色IT行业领域的应用,展示最新节能理念的绿色产品,为广大机房用户、设备厂商及经销商等业内人士提供便捷的信息交流平台。 http://www.jifang360.com/
    发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
    Technical innovation is never the whole of civilization, but it is absolutely the core power to bring us to a brighter future. Since its establishment in 1998, CEOCIO China has kept following the trends of new technologies such as information technology, the Internet and biotechnologies as well as the business and social changes brought by them from an angle of “technical business”, so as to push business innovation and revolution forward. As a top technical business magazine, we interpret everything about technical business from 5 perspectives including technology, corporation, industry, technical application and people.http://www.ceocio.com.cn/
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 28
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 23
    http://www.ctocio.com/ CTOCIO.com is the leading tech blog in China offering C-level tech executives and entrepreneurs insight into the most relevant emerging technologies, trends, companies, and the business opportunities in China and worldwide
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 21
    存储网,官方唯一域名 www.stor.com.cn,致力于打造中国存储行业权威媒体平台:帮助各厂商和经销商,宣传和展示其先进存储技术和产品;帮助各种规模的企业,采购适合企业发展现状的存储方案;为广大行业从业人员,提供开放交流平台和海量存储资料; http://www.chinastor.com
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 28
    灾备网,官方唯一域名 www.zaibei.net,致力于打造中国灾备行业权威媒体平台:帮助各厂商和经销商,宣传和展示其先进灾备技术和产品;帮助各种规模的企业,采购适合企业发展现状的灾备方案;为广大行业从业人员,提供开放交流平台和海量灾备资料;http://www.zaibei.net/hangye/
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 24
    数邦客(www.databanker.cn)定位为DT时代组织转型的方案服务商,作为DT时代组织转型的方案服务商,是企业数据服务方案、案例、技术、产品的资源聚合平台;是连接服务商与用户的自助互动平台;是助力传统企业走向“智慧企业”的重要驱动平台,旨在为用户遴选行业最优方案与潜力服务商,成为企业大数据价值挖掘者、数据驱动服务先导者以及数据与商业的连接者。数邦客以大数据领域的解决方案为核心资源,将解决方案与相应行业和相应企业进行关联,拓展以大数据应用案例、行业专家、服务商为主的数据库,关注平台用户对方案的选择、评价和分享。 通过对解决方案的展示,为用户遴选行业最优方案与潜力服务商; 通过选取少数种子服务商,将服务商的解决方案、产品、技术、品牌理念等进行推广; 通过对应用案例的解读分析,深度介入企业大数据挖掘和转型的战略发展。宣传口号:大数据价值构建师平台定位:DT时代组织转型的方案服务商发展目标:1.大数据解决方案供需者的自助互动平台2.DT时代洞察行业前沿趋势和企业转型升级路径的数据仓库与高端智库http://www.databanker.cn/about/319.html
    发布时间: 2016 - 10 - 18
    比特网(ChinaByte)是中国第一家IT互联网媒体,创建于1997年初,在行业里创造过多个第一,第一笔广告收入,第一个引入风投,开创了中国互联网历史的一个个里程碑,也充分验证了Chinabyte(比特网)的商业价值。十余年来, Chinabyte(比特网)汇聚高端商业人群,紧跟行业趋势,为用户提供全面、专业、鲜活的新闻报道和观点,逐渐完善企业应用和信息化内容,已成为C-level、技术决策层、商业决策层和IT专业人员等高端受众的首选网站,构筑了业界领先的地位和独特商业价值。比特网见证和影响了中国IT产业发展,助推了中国信息化进程。http://www.chinabyte.com/
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 28
    DataYuan (www.datayuan.cn), an innovative service media platform oriented to the big data industry, keeps a watchful eye on the latest news and trends of the big data realm, innovative big data applications and prospects in different industries, benchmark companies and startups.    Aiming to be the No. 1 technology-oriented medium in the big data sector, we want to grow and blossom along with big data players while creating an information exchange platform to push “big data + industry” to go deep.In more than a year after DataYuan officially went online in December 2015, we launched a number of original premium columns including Heated News, Professional In-depth Report, Investment & Financing Trend Analysis, Face-to-Face Interview with Big Shots, “Big Data + Industry” R...
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 18
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 17
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 26
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 17
    Huodongjia is a professional conference platform for query and registration , gathered with various of different industies quality meetings. Each year more than 100,000 business meetings released here, and millions people buy tickets for their target event in huodongjia. It creates a new conference information platform and provides services of conference release, marketing, conference sharing, live video, live conference , guest presentations, lecture notes and others which offers the opportunities to those who are in demand of meeting with the industry elites. Make a need for people to meet the industry's elite. To find a meeting ,please on www.huodongjia.com. https://www.huodongjia.com/
    China e-bank
    发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 10
    China e-bank website(http://www.cebnet.com.cn/  ) is founded by China Financial Certification Authority, and cooperated with nearly 100 commercial banks, which is considered as one of the most authoritative and professional business information platform in the field of electronic banking vertical portals. The website consists of FINTECH, SPECIAL COLUMN, BANKING NEWS, INFORMATION SECURITY, and BANK BANG as a series of channels, and includes policy interpretation, experts'&...
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    Launched in 1997, IT is the earliest enterprise - oriented business and IT website in China. To top network focused on enterprise IT strategy and plan, and the Internet + the Chinese industry transformation of The Times, and including cloud computing, big data, industrial 4.0, moving, enterprise social IT technology, decision analysis, etc http://www.zhiding.cn/
    发布时间: 2017 - 01 - 17
    亿邦动力网为亿商联动国际电子商务股份有限公司旗下网站,是国内权威电子商务资讯平台,通过“线上内容+线下互动+第三方研究”三个经典媒体产品的组合,聚焦传统产业转型电子商务,在线上零售、传统零售、跨境零售、B2B、C2C、O2O、电商服务业、电商政策、电商资本等领域开展信息与研究服务,在电子商务行业拥有巨大影响力。    亿商联动自 2007 年成立以来,一直致力于建设电子商务专业信息资讯平台,并通过该平台为客户提供新媒体营销、电子商务信息及咨询服务,获取营业收入。公司以旗下亿邦动力网、思路网两大平台为主,提供电子商务专业信息资讯和电商服务交易,用户包括电子商务相关企业、政府机构、电子商务从业者及经理人。2016年4月,亿商联动挂牌新三板(股票代码:836568)。截至 2016 年 06 月 30 日,当月月度独立访问用户达到 1700 万(UV,月度不重复访问用户);思路网入驻服务品类超过 4700 种,拥有超过 2100 家主流电子商务服务提供商,旗下“思路通”付费信息产品上线运营http://www.ebrun.com/
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 23
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    证券之星始创于1996年,是纳斯达克上市公司--中国金融在线(C.F.O.)旗下的财经网站。证券之星以金融理财产品为核心,通过网站平台 、无线终端、专业频道等渠道,依托中国领先的理财产品研究分析专家团队,以及国内强有优势的理财技术创新开发团队,为中国理财用户提 供专业、及时、丰富的投顾信息。
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    上海通寅信息科技有限公司是一家从事网络科技与技术服务的开放公司,以网络平台为媒介给客户制作手机应用、计算机软件及网站为中心。公司将秉着“客户至上,诚信为本”的经营理念,以客户需求为使命,“集”客户所急,“成”客户所想,及时全面的理解客户信息化需求。战略目标: 搭上互联网+风口,开发移动端应用(手机APP、微信、微博等),打造全球金融投资领域的信息发布平台与互动社交平台,为专业投资人与普通投资者提供高效的沟通渠道。全球实时财经资讯;包括股市、外汇、贵金属、商品等全球主要金融市场实时行情及专业分析;针对个人投资者的投资及交易分析指导、在线培训;为优异的财富管理团队聚拢资金,为普通投资者提供财富增值保值服务渠道;为公司及机构客户量身定制的宣传推广服务;定期举办区域性金融理财博览会。http://fxgold.com/
    发布时间: 2017 - 07 - 10
    Online will points (hui.net) -- the newsletter gulls its core product, is the earliest WeChat interaction, H5 application scenarios, iBeacon technology into business services scenario, success will be meeting & ticketing, WeChat & terminals, data & CRM, aggregation, marketing promotion, etc. Will point business communication as the point of an important part of innovation solved the organization before the meeting, in the interaction and participation interactive experience, after data analysis, such as meeting problem, also in WeChat customized development, H5 dynamic page customization, paid ticketing services with unique ideas and rigorous production technique, improve the organizational efficiency and the organizers of the meeting participants interactive experience. In add...
    发布时间: 2017 - 06 - 16
    ZHEJIANG TOURONGJIE was established in June 2010, the company formerly known as zhejiang investment seminar (the original council for the promotion of economic development in zhejiang province)was founded in 1995, with 22 years of experience in investment and financing services. As China's largest investment and financing service platform, it has 1.8m projects in platform, with an average of 4000 new projects everyday; and 300 thousand parties in finance, which hold totaled of more than 5 trillion. It provides targeted financing information docking and pinch of distribution service, successful docking investment over billions of dollars.
    发布时间: 2016 - 10 - 19
    发布时间: 2017 - 08 - 01
    Ever since its first issue in June, 2002, New Finance World has devoted itself to the fusion and win-win of finance and technology. The combination of fast-changing technologies and complicated financial management practice has forged the outstanding influence of New Finance World in both finance and IT fields, making it of unique position and value among the numbers of finance and economics magazines in China.http://www.xjrong.com/
    发布时间: 2017 - 02 - 14
    广告买卖网(http://www.admaimai.com/ ),一家2B的媒体资源展示交易平台,属于互联网+广告电商,可理解为广告行业的阿里。广告买卖网是专业广告资源在线交易市场,最具影响力媒体价值营销平台,广告行业权威门户网站,日访问量200万以上,月度不重复访客2000万,百度权重6,百度协议新闻源。站长站和艾瑞评选广告行业网站第一名,有300多各二级频道,4000多个三级频道,1000多万个独立页面。流量,会员等数据是同类网站加起来的总和还要大一倍以上。广告易致力于打造广告资源闭环交易平台。投广告更容易,更便宜,让广告与互联网结合,是发展宗旨和愿景。从临过期空置资源交易平台切入,程序化闭环交易,财务实时自动结算。并通过建立的366个落地服务商,实现线上线下结合的,集约化采购的广告资源采购大渠道,构建和谐共赢的广告产业生态圈。http://www.admaimai.com/
    • 亚太金融2017

      Day One AM 09:00-12:15

      Industry Development Trend and Practical Experience


      Day One PM 14:00-17:30

      Data Integration and Business Application


      Day Two AM 09:00-12:15

      Data Management and Marketing Strategy

      Day Two PM 14:00-17:30

      Data Storage and Quality Management

Travel & Stay

—————— For more conference information, please contact Ms zhang (Eileen zhang) ————

Tel : 86 21 5242 8082

E-mail : eileen.zhang@shine-consultant.com