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(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017

China retail supply chain and logistics summit 2017

Time:May 18th-19th,2017

Hosted by:China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing,The Specialized Committee for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

In order to promote the retail development of China, ‘China retail supply chain and logistics summit 2017’ will be held in Shanghai in May 18th -19th, 2017. From shopping mall, supermarkets, retailers, brands, B2C ecommerce platform, logistics companies, supply chain solutions providers, logistics technology providers, consultants, association will around the “technology, logistics and innovation" these three topics in order to discuss the future development of retail supply chain & logistics in China, then to promote the depth of cooperation!

Conference Overview

With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, store market continues to expand and rapidly increases in the number which showing a good growth trend. Statistics show that last year the national express delivery volume reached 14 billion, an increase of 51.9%, more than United States and be the No.1 in the world. So, efficient supply chain system and logistics system is one of the key factors to improve the success of retail business and enhance the consumer experience. Meanwhile, it is an important way to create the competitive advantages and improve the profit level for retailers, as well as the guarantee for its survival and development. Therefore, creating a highly efficient collaborative supply chain and logistics information systems, coordinating and optimizing the integration of online and offline both have an important role and strategic value for today's retailers and ecommerce platform.

The former event

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017



(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017



Part of Confirmed VIP(including department)

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017

Event Organizer

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017

China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing, the Specialized Committee for Purchasing and Supply Chain Management is a specialized association in the field of purchasing and supply chain which was registered and set up under the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The committee actively takes charge of the major issues in the field of supply chain for central and all levels of government, participates in the formulation and improvement of national purchasing and supply chain related policies, researches and promotes China's purchasing and supply chain industry standards, spreads and promotes purchasing and supply chain advanced management concepts and experience, builds a bridge between enterprises and government, domestic and international communication, and promotes the development of purchasing and supply chain in China.

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017

Shine Consultant was founded in 2005, known as Global Leaders Institute before. As a leading international business summit producer and operator, it is committed to providing a communication platform and strategic industry information for business giants.

Shine Consultant organizes over 40 international business summits each year, bringing together the key issues of concern to strategic managers and many political and business elites. It has become an indispensable platform for global business leaders.

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017
Conference Organizer / Co-Organizer
Guidance / co-sponsor / support

(End)China Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Summit 2017 

  • Cognex Corporation
  • CMST Nanjing Wisdom Logistics Technology Co. Ltd.
  • vTradEx Information Technology(Shanghai) Ltd
  • Shanghai Noll International Logistics Co. Ltd
  • Shanghai Shine Miles Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd
  • Goodman
  • ALOG Technology Supply Chain Co.,Ltd
Cooperative Media
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    物联网世界(www.iotworld.com.cn)是物联网产业信息传播和营销服务权威资讯传媒!我们致力于建设物联网产业门户网站和打造物联网领域权威品牌,为广大网友及物联网企业提供一个实时、海量、专业、权威的技术交流和商务服务平台。 物联网世界以产业资讯报道为主,从新闻视角揭示市场商机;以案例、产品、技术为基础,全方位呈现物联网产业最新解决方案;以物联网技术应用、产品评测为手段,深度报道方案及产品的技术优势与实用性,为用户提供集资讯、方案、应用、产品、技术需求为一体的综合性服务,形成立体化、多方位、环环相扣的专业信息服务链,为物联网企业及用户提供营销服务、咨询服务、电子商务、培训服务、人才服务等。
    发布时间: 2017 - 01 - 12
    公司介绍上海唯享科技有限公司(畅享网)是第三方IT服务平台模式的创立者,被公认为企业级信息技术领域最具影响力的第三方IT服务平台,为企事业单位提供信息化规划、IT总包、IT监理、信息安全咨询、运营外包、媒体服务、微信开发等服务。1.该公司在IT行业内享有优质口碑:公司成立于2007年6月,目前已经成为国内企业级信息技术领域创办时间最长、最具影响力的权威中立资讯平台,被评为上海市“专精特新”企业、上海市和浦东新区的中小企业公共服务机构,具有数十项软件著作权,曾多次获得国家和市级的资金支持及荣誉称号。2.公司具有丰厚的运营经验:依托公司的运营实力,截止2014年底,畅享网积累了400余万实名制的注册用户,主要为有影响力的、高收入的、积极进取的IT决策者及企业决策者;拥有近70000人的认证会员,主要为企业CIO、IT经理等其他企业信息化岗位的管理者和专业人士;以及近2000家经认证的IT产品商和服务商,与国内100余家各省市政府及园区机构建立了广泛合作关系,包括上海首席信息官联盟、上海大数据联盟等。3.公司在IT服务领域具有丰富经验:公司的团队核心成员在咨询行业具有丰富经验,曾参与上海市教育信息化十三五规划、上海大学、上海贸易学校等信息化咨询工作,曾为微软、SAP等知名公司提供中国市场策略咨询工作。曾为广州电信研究、上海电信研究院提供知识管理、社区、评奖、外部网站等IT系统的开发。为包括晨光文具,特步集团,碧佳实业等公司提供微信平台建设服务。 项目经验:酷有机:微信跨境电商平台通过微信平台有效管理了启用内部BA员工,门店销售,跨境电商,并设计了社交场景。塑造酷有机O2O转型落地。 晨光创意:微信会员体系通过微信平台实现会员体系+互动机制并与微信平台和线下消费系统的完美结合 点津放疗:新闻平台及会员平台通过微信订阅号实现了资讯,交流讨论,患者交流等一...
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    Hu Dongjia
    发布时间: 2016 - 12 - 28
    • Day1 May 18th,2017

      >Morning 9:00-12:15

       New Ecology & New Trend

      >Afternoon 14:00-17:30

      Internet+: Supply Chain Management & Innovation

      Day2 May 19th,2017

      >Morning 8:30-12:15

      Informatization & Data-orienting- Retailer & Ecommerce

      >Afternoon 14:00-17:30

      Innovation & Development


Travel & Stay
Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao
2270 Hongqiao Road (Hongqiao Lu),Shanghai

For more conference information, please contact Ms Wang(Cher Wang)
Tel: 86 21 5242 8097 Email:cher.wang@shine- consultant.com
Brief Introduction