Nuno Gonçalves finishes his studies as graduated Engineer in 2000, in the prestigious University of Porto, in the field of Automation, Production and Industrial Electronics.
Nuno Gonçalves was invited to join Metro do Porto in 2007, to develop and implement new concepts for the Telecommunication Department.
He has a very wide range of responsibilities covering Systems like Ticketing, Transmission, Security, Public Information, SCADA and Telephony.
He is eager to know always the state of the art and new developments in this Field and so he participates quite often in international Summits and Congress as an active participant.
He started his career in ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) on Full Service Maintenance contracts, first for a portuguese refinery and then on pulp and paper mills industry. Later, also in ABB, he was in the development and implementation of Substation Automation Systems.