Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINAO), Chinese Academy of Siences
LV Weibang: researcher, doctoral supervisor, Suzhou Institute of nanotechnology and nanobionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; director of advanced nanocomposite Innovation Center; director of aerospace Nano Materials Joint Laboratory of Suzhou Institute of nanotechnology and nano bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He obtained his bachelor's degree in engineering mechanics from Harbin Engineering University in July 2004, and his doctor's degree in solid mechanics from the school of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Tsinghua University in July 2009. From August 2009 to July 2013, he engaged in scientific research in the composite materials center of the University of Delaware, and returned to China in August 2013. He has been committed to the basic research and application development of carbon nanotube composites for a long time. His main research interests include the wet continuous preparation of carbon nanotube fiber / film and the development of strengthening and toughening technology, the exploration of the relationship between the process structure performance of carbon nanotube assemblies and their composites, and the application technology development of nano reinforcement / toughening, anti / de icing and online monitoring of fiber reinforced composites. He has published more than 80 academic papers and applied for 15 invention patents. He is now the editorial board member of Composite Science and technology, advanced composites and hybrid materials and functional composites and structures.