Co-founder and President
Connect Biopharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Dr. Pan has 20 years experiences in bioscience in North America and China, with extensive experiences in new drug R&D, as well as management, operation and fund raising. He joined TsingHua YuanXing Biopharmaceutical Co. Ltd. in 2000 as vice president and co-founded and served as VPs and general manager for a couple of biotech companies, where he played key role for the development of several gene-based biologics and was involved in the development and successfully marketing of a few biomedical products. In 2006, Dr. Pan co-founded Crown Bioscience, Inc., a leading CRO in oncology drug discovery where he worked as Chief Operation Officer, Executive Vice President and the President of Greater China. In 2012, he co-founded Connect Biopharmaceuticals, Ltd., an immune-modulator drug R&D Biotech successfully moved a few programs into clinical research by leveraging high quality support from multiple CROs. Dr. Pan obtained his Ph.D. in Biology in Sussex University (UK) and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Berkeley.