He is CredEx Fintech Co-founder,and hold a post of Chief Product Officer
He has graduated in famous universities with MBA major, and is a lecturer with the national level in credit management.
Before participating in creating CredEx Fintech, he has taken senior management posts in many listed companies, withmuch professional and practicalexperiencesuch in financial management, credit risk management, asset management etc.
Mr. Bu has been served as senior management in some earlier micro finance institutes, and was responsible for system building in risk management and asset management, and also was in charge of this system running with the outstanding achievement.
He has been participating in creating CredEx Fintech, and is a founding member since 2010.
Mr. Bu was in charge of building the core operation department in CredEx Fintech, such as asset management, customer service, underwriting, and risk management in this 8 years, and also be assigned responsibility for some important business region in our country during this period.
With more than 10 years deep ploughing in micro finance area, he has been participating in constructing the risk management system of the earlier “credit factory”.
Particularly in CredEx Fintech’s transition to internet finance, Mr. Bu is leading the risk management team, investigating the application of mobile terminal financial products area which based in internet big data,andcombining the advanced decision making enginewithoriginal creating core risk management models of “intelligent anti-fraud system”, “behavior characteristic analysis system”,“multi-feature of customer segmentation”etc. , and bring in the leading technology of “face recognition”, “fingerprint device”, “machine automatic learning”, then buildingCredEx’sunique risk management system ---Skynet.Via the practical business inspectation, Skynet has been effective to intercept the internet fraud risk, and also has a good control in credit risk.