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Summit & Event Shine Speaker Bureau Shine Advisor Shine Event Service
  • Summit & Event :
    With field research of markets and industries which is analyzed from a global strategic perspective by our professional teams, as well as hot topics which interest leadership and management, Shine Consultant provides you with one-stop platform of dialogue, practice -sharing and social network!
  • Shine Speaker Bureau:
    Committed to provide keynote speakers, executive learning masterclasses and boardroom advisory for global enterprises and institutions, each service provides a deeper and more interactive experience, especially for small, selected audiences and key individuals. We have the resources of the most influential business leaders and experts, who are the most outstanding representatives in their fields. Our team consists of experienced speech and event managers, and we focus on building long-term and in-depth partnerships.
  • Shine Advisor:
    As world-class insight network, we connects clients-decision makers with vetted subject matter experts-advisors. Our clients leverage the insights and perspectives shared by our advisors to stay informed and make better business decisions.We have over 600,000 Shine Advisors in 20 industries, which continues to grow every day.
  • Shine Event Service:
    Committed to be the world's most professional provider of industrial Summit & Event. We provide one-stop professional services, including investigating and planning, on-demand inviting, marketing and promoting, operating, project management, live& digital conference, each service is performed by an experienced professional team matched with long-term industrial resources. We focus on establishing long-term and in-depth partnerships.
Conference Sponsor
2022 - 08 - 17
Shenzhen Landray Software Co., Ltd.Established in 2001, a professional digital OA & service provider and 1ststrategic partner in the field of knowledge management andcollaboration of Alibaba Cloud. Providing integrated solutions of smartoffices, mobile portals, knowledge management, digital operations,financial sharing, and proprietary clouds for large and medium-sizedenterprises and growing organizations. It has helped 30,000 well-knownenterprises such as Huawei and Vanke to realize work reform ofintelligent management and efficient OA
2022 - 08 - 17
2022 - 08 - 17
中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司(简称“太平洋产险”)是中国太平洋保险(集团)股份有限公司旗下的专业子公司,为客户提供全面的财产保险产品和服务。公司总部设在上海,截至2021年底,公司注册资本为人民币194.7亿元。太平洋产险承保机动车辆保险、财产保险、责任保险、农业保险、保证保险、意外伤害保险、短期健康保险等中国银保监会批准的各类保险业务,服务范围覆盖航空航天、电力能源、石油化工、船舶航运、纺织烟草、机械设备、电子通讯、金融贸易、科技创新、基础建设、农林牧渔等各行业和领域。公司目前已全面完成了在中国大陆各省级行政区域的机构布局,在全国拥有40家分公司,1家航运保险事业营运中心,3100余家中心支公司、支公司、营业部和营销服务部。太平洋产险以成为“行业健康稳定发展的引领者”为愿景,坚持以客户需求为导向,专注保险主业,做精保险专业,不断创新保险产品和服务,提升客户体验,为客户提供全方位的风险保障服务。2021年,公司实现财产保险业务收入1526.43亿元,同比增长3.3%,公司总资产和净资产分别为2075.98亿元和489.29亿元,实现净利润63.52亿元,实现持续健康发展。太平洋产险开拓进取,锐意创新,以完善的公司治理、领先的服务水平和优良的经营业绩,获得行业监管机构和权威评级机构的持续认可。公司穆迪投资者服务公司的保险财务实力评级结果为A1,中诚信国际信用评级的主体信用等级为AAA,标准普尔的发行人信用评级及财务实力评级结果为A。近年来,公司连续获得经营评价A级、服务评价AA 级、公司治理评估B级、风险管理能力评估(SARMRA)名列前茅,监管评分稳中有升,2021年度财产保险(车险业务)服务质量指数94.46,成为行业发展、服务和公司治理的新标杆。中国太平洋保险(集团)股份有限公司是国内领先的综合性保险集团,也是国内首家在上海、香港、伦敦三地上市的保险公司,连续十一年入选《财富》世界500强,2021年排名第158位。