Okey co., Ltd. is a high-tech company focusing on innovation in the field of security. Okey is a product similar to mobile pay, putting bank card, transport card, accesscards and other cards in one. With built-in multi-functional NFC and SEsecurity chip, long and wide both 38mm, Okey is currently the world's smallest Qboc-supporting non-contact bank card. Okey can bind more than 20 kinds of bank cards, transport cards, and access cards. It is similar to the phone pay, when it’s used as a bank card. As a transport card, it currently supports more than 200 domestic city public transport systems. Okey also can be considered in daily life as an access card or a hotel room card. Okey connects to your mobile phone via low-power Bluetooth. When the user leaves it in a certain distance, the phone will set the alarm automatically, so okey is more secure than the traditional bank card or transport card. With high reliability, shareable features, okey is able to help banks, card organizations, city public transport companies and various financial institutions quickly release their own card products.
Okey will make our lives easier.